Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Half-Baked Human

Things are going way too far. I am convinced that I cannot handle any more episodes. Man, I have no use for this thing. It's just too much trouble. I stuff it into a sack and set out. My luggage makes me feel awkward but on the street noone seems to notice. Ah... Good. Or maybe I don't care anymore... By now.

After what seems a never-ending journey, I stumble in through the gates. Cold, impassive building. Suits me just fine. The burden is becoming unbearable now. I drag it to the door. A voice answers my tired knocking. I step in. Two cold, smug types behind a massive desk. They eye me with indifference as I drag my sack across the floorboards. Hmmm. A and B. Well, I don't care. Just give me a minute to leave this here and I'll be as smug as you two.

A : What ?
Me : I want to return something.
A : What, that ?
Me : Yeah.
B : Bricks ?
Me : Ummm.. Somethin like that.
A : Cut it out. What's that ?
Me : Heart. I don't need this anymore. Never did, actually. Thought I'd return it.
B : Why here ?
Me : Think I got it from here.

These guys are gettin on my nerves. The feeling must be mutual, by their looks.

B : Leave it here.
Me : You mean, just... around here... (middle of the room)
A : Yeah.
Me : Ummm... Ok.

I hesitate.

Me : I have some other complaints too.
B : What ?
Me : I mean, there are some other problems too. Gross mistakes.
A : Pun intended ?
Me : Ummm ? ...

Ahh... Whatever...

They exchange wry smiles. But I've got to clear it all up right now.

Me : I want them seen to. Maybe fixed.
A (to B) : Go check the records.
B goes into another room.

A gazes at the sack. And then stares blankly into space. My gaze shifts round the room. Bare walls. No furniture except for the table and two chairs. Not even a clock. I liked that. I shouldn't have expected one here anyway. B comes back.

B : Just like I thought. Half-baked human. Multiple defects.
Me : What ?

What ?.......

Me : What is that supposed to mean ?
B : Figure out for yourself.

Well... This probably explains some things. But it doesn't solve anything. Or wait...

Me : I want to turn myself in.
A : What ?
Me : I want to leave some more things here. Most of me, in fact.
B : We don't want all that. That's bad enough (nodding at the sack).
Me : I mean, take me out of me, and I'll leave the me here.
A : Which "you" ?
B : What the... Good thing there aren't too many of these half-baked types around...
Me : Am I the only one ?
B : Sure hope so.

A seems to be considering the proposal. Hmmm.

Suddenly, a creaking sound. I watch A's jaw drop and his smugness give way to surprise. The creaking grows louder and ends in a crash.

A : ... Where ?....
B : That thing went right through !

I turn around, My sack is gone. A gaping hole in the floor with splinters sticking out. Darkness below. I look up at their stunned faces. Ok guys, be smug now. Why do you think I wanted to leave it here anyway ?

Their shock gives way to dirty looks. Hmm. No further business, I guess. Whatever. I turn to leave.

A : Wait. What are you going to do with the vacuum ?
Me : What vacuum ?
A : The thing you left behind, it leaves a vacuum where it used to be.
Me : I think I'll keep it.
B : Thought you'd turn that in too.

I open the door and step outside. Past the gates and out on the street. I eagerly search for a difference. Both within and without. Only a numbness.

I make my way home. The sun is down. My bones ache. That was quite a burden to carry. Sleep sinks in.

I wake up. Sunshine. I sit on my bed and wonder if it was all a dream. Well, whatever.

I stand up. Feel a lightness within my ribs. I have to lean a little to the left to balance myself.

Wait a minute..... Yeah, RIGHT !... But can there be another explanation ?

For the moment, I don't care. Feels good. All you demons.... Come back and get me. There's nothing here to get.

Life goes on. Much better though, I must add.